Sunday 19 May 2013

The second post is always the hardest I feel, after my first post it was new and exciting but to follow up is proving quite difficult...let's hope this gets a little better.

I have just got back from my (officially) third date with Guy*, as you may remember from last weeks posting I had a conundrum deciding whether I could get over the fact that this guy had horrible teeth? After meeting with Guy* a few times and going on today's date I think I might just be getting over it. His personality is great, he is a gentleman and he is (very slowly) growing in confidence and getting to know me which, funnily enough, is really endearing. Although, we have now kissed on two seperate occasions, the first as I discussed last time sent my legs wobbling and cheeks looking as Red as a Taylor Swift album cover (excuse the pun). But this second time which happened today in the car as I was dropping him off home was a little different. I was hoping for a long and romantic kiss but it seemed rushed and to be honest a little disappointing. Now please tell me I am over reacting but has the passion already gone, did he not want to kiss me? Help please!!

On a new note I, like many other red blooded gay guys, occasionally enjoy jumping onto Grindr or one of the other such apps supposedly set up to help us meet up to socialize or more likely suck and/or fuck!! Although, as I have got a little older I like to think I have matured and that I look for more serious relationships and friends on Grindr than just a one night stand. Now as much I put this on my profile I still generally get the typical cock pictures or the older bears wanting to "show me their cave" (actual quote) which inevitably leads me to click the block button faster than a guy can say "want some fun?" No, I don't want fun and if my profile says I want a guy 18-30 I definitely don't want a guy who is 50 and can hardly see his penis over the beer belly he so kindly sends me a picture of!!! Now I am not saying this is everyone on the York Grindr scene, there are a few nice guys who seem pretty genuine, but I would like to put it to everyone to read someones profile and if you think you meet the brief then start a conversation. And if you start a conversation with someone don't keep hounding them with messages until you get a reply as it probably means your either fat/ugly or a mixture of the two!!

Whilst I have been writing this weeks post Guy* has tweeted me a message to say that he enjoyed our date today...and I've just had a text to ask me out again? How many dates before we are boyfriends? Do I wait for him to ask? So many questions!! What do you suggest as a good date round the York area? Or maybe something to avoid doing? I love to hear back from you about what you think of my blog, the good, the bad or the ugly? Comment and let me know what you would like my opinion on or even if I should just shut the hell up (hopefully not).

Till next time....

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