Monday 27 May 2013

Now I know I usually blog every Sunday but with it being the bank holiday I got a bit confused with my days  (probably due to the large quantities of alcohol consumed) therefore I'm doing this on a Monday...sorry for any inconvenience caused. Who am I kidding, is anyone actually bothered?

This week I saw Guy* again, twice in fact, which I am happy to report going very well. I write this whilst listening to Mumford and Sons which is officially my album of the week/ moment (bit late I know). Anyway, Guy* took me out for lunch to a pretty, if basic, bistro in York which was his idea and he thought I would love it. Firstly, I usually like bistro's but this one just wasn't very good but the fact that Guy* chose the restaurant and took charge was really sweet and just hasn't ever happened to me before. Usually I have to do all the planning and for a guy to arrange the date was nice and unexpected. Now I was going to pay as I owed him but once I had got back from the bathroom (freshening myself up obviously) he had paid the bill, another first time for me!! Now, I am not one to not pay for anything but to have a guy want to buy me dinner is amazing and just makes me want to like Guy even more!! After our dinner we went for drinks, which admittedly I may have had a few too many of, although I like to think I kept my dignity, although I do recollect dancing and singing the entire chorus to 'S&M' by Rihanna which may have been a slight subconscious slip on my behalf oooppssyy!!  After our drunken date I felt all went well but recently he has been quiet and not really text as much as usual, I hope my singing didn't put him off as I do actually really like him....what should I do?

After the recent political debates relating to Gay Marriage I thought I would try to put a bit more of a serious side to my blog. Attitude Magazine always seem to have a un-bias view, well as fair as a gay magazine can be, to the whole debate ( and I do understand and listen to the opposition to gay marriage but I am against the religious arguments that keep being pushed into our faces. For a start, yes it does say in some part of the bible that it is wrong for a man to lie next to another man but it also says adultery is wrong and don't get me started on the catholic churches attitude to their sex scandals and equality of the sexes. Now I have no problem with religion and do envy those who have a belief in something they can't actually see, but don't be hypocritical and if pick and chose which parts of the bible we should practice. God is all loving supposedly? Religion shouldn't be a divisive force but surely one to unite people? Now I'm not saying I am the most knowledgeable person on the issues but I hope that people could be more open minded to the debate and not automatically rush to judge or criticize something they do not fully understand.

I hope that more people start to read this blog, any ideas would be welcome as I am happy to do on your blogs and ideas. As usual this blog is full or my ramblings or nonsense but I try to keep it light hearted and funny. I heard an interesting tweet the other day which went something along the lines of after the gay marriage debate is over and the law is passed there are no other big fights for the gay community but I'm sure there will always be something. What do you think? What's the next big fight? After all you can't change people's attitudes no matter what laws are passed so is as time moves on as it has been over the past 20 years, that the modern generation of teens and 20 somethings go onto mid life that homophobia will eventually become a thing of the past? I just don't see this happening...but we can hope I guess.

Something to leave you thinking about for next time.

Till next time....

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