Wednesday 12 February 2014

Too long, Too many guys

First let me start this new post with an apology, it's been far too long since my last post and way too much has happened for me to even remember to tell you all about but I am going to try. Although, let's start with a little note to say I hope everyone had a great Christmas...I know it seems like ages ago now but it was before then that I last wrote a blog!!

So, whilst I've been away I have been having quite a few dates. As I mentioned last time we had Yorkie Guy, now after the first date where we met for coffee I wasn't too sure. I don't usually go for ginger guys (no offence to my ginger haired readers), they are just not my usual type but I decided to give him another go. Date number two was another coffee on his lunch break..I had started to like him more and more and decided to go on another date. Let me stop it here though, what do you do when a guy "mistakenly" texts you a message meant for his ex boyfriend?? This was rather awkward and, you may thing stupidly, I decided to let it go and continue onto our third date. This time we went out for a meal and was rather romantic and by this time I was practically falling in love. Maybe he could tell, after the date once we had agreed our next opportunity to meet up he then texts me a few days later saying that he wanted to end things as he wasn't over his ex yet? Code for he was fucking his ex still...what an arse!! Why do I always attract the knob heads of York!!

Back to Grindr I go.. the New Year a rather cute new guy comes along, he is from Scarborough and I always said that I would avoid doing long distance but he offered to take me to the cinema and the draw of Zac Efron's abs is hard to resist (That Awkward Moment, watch it!!). I wasn't expecting much but he kinda impressed me, he was kind, a gentleman and not an arsehole!! And he is a great kisser, perking me up from my funk!! After a few more dates though I suggest going for Afternoon tea (one of my fave things to do, hint hint). Before I go further I must say in his defence that he had only had two hours sleep since his night shift. On the date he seemed rather tired but to overcome this he became hyperactive and rather loud, and in a nice posh setting reciting the scripts of Shameless and Looking isn't the best thing to do. It was rather my own Awkward Moment and couldn't wait to get him out of there! After a few more drinks at another bar I decided to go home, he walked me back to my car and apologised for being weird and we shared a kiss so it's rather hard to stay angry at him...should I give him another chance?

By the way, if you haven't seen it yet you need to watch Looking on Sky Atlantic, it stars Jonathan Groff of 'Glee' fame and is the most adorable gay character since Justin in Queer as Folk. It really is my favourite show right now and, if you haven't already, should definitely be on your watch list!!

So that's just a little bit about my dating recently. Any feedback would be appreciated and advice you think I need on what to do with Scarborough guy?

Till next time...