Friday 13 December 2013

Foursome...too many people??

After a rather quiet November it has all started to get going again with my dating life....although it's like the classic bus situation where you waiting for 1 for ages and then 2 come along at the same time. In my case 4 guys have come along....I'm even starting to think it may be too many.

Now, I'm not sleeping with any of these guys, I'm simply chatting and arranging dates. However, to try to tell you about them all would be very confusing...and I think I'm going to have to create a new nickname for some of them. What does everyone think though? Should I just focus on the one guy, am I wrong to chatting to all these guys? After all, they all think I'm just chatting to them but I guess they could be chatting to other guys too!!

One of the guys I'm chatting to, I will call him Yorkie guy as he is based in York, is great...we have loads in common, lots to chat about and he has the sarcastic sense of humour which I love. I have arranged a date for this weekend with him for a coffee so expect an update to how that goes next week...maybe after the date if your lucky!!

Another of the guys is from near Harrogate, he is really cute and seems like a great guy but I think I may have scared him off by being a bit persistent asking for a date...think I'm going to let that one cool for a bit. May be for the best, not like I don't have anyone else to text.

So does anyone think they know who I am....I've already had Guy ( Right from the start of these blogs) figure me out but I am interested to know if anyone else can guess my identity? I figure that when I meet the perfect guy and start a serious relationship I will give this blog up and finally identify myself...but until then I guess I will keep up with York Anonymous and my ramblings....

Till next time....

By the way, if you think you may one of the guys then ask me on Twitter @yorksanonymous if anyone guesses right then I will say.

Friday 6 December 2013

What to do??

Just to start my blog I wanted to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela....such sad news to hear about such a great man and person that has made such a difference to the World. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends in this difficult period. However, at times like this I think it's great to celebrate his life and the changes he made. If you don't know much about him take a little time to research him, he fought all his life for what he believed in and to help everyone else...of his life he mentioned that he would want on his tombstone that he did what he could do to achieve the purpose he was put on this earth for. I really like this and makes me question what I am here for, what I should be doing? Do you know what your purpose is? I would not consider myself religious but I like the thought that there is something after death and how we are never truly gone. Although, what ever happens the legacy of Nelson Mandela will last forever and what he has brought to the world will be remembered. 

Now, I have not wrote this blog for a few weeks and the reason is because nothing exciting or blog worthy has inspiration was not there and I've been caught up with work. However, a recent revelation happened the other day which was rather awkward. Guy, the first bloke I wrote about it my first blog article, read the blog and put two and two together and came to the right conclusion. Resulting in a few tweets and angry texts..I can kinda understand it as I wasn't exactly kind or discreet lol!! However, after apologies where exchanged and we started chatting again I kind of realised I missed it...I missed him!! Now, there was definately problems in the relationship but I kind of want to see if we could make it work again. What do you think? Does the second time around ever work? With Christmas coming up I'm not sure if I just want a boyfriend for the winter or I actually want to be with him....I need help guys?

Christmas is coming up and I'm very excited....not just the actual day but having some time off and just catching up with friends and family. I feel a lot more mature recently and am just looking forward to spending time with my friends over christmas...the Christmas diet is definately not going to be kept to haha!!

So what's on your christmas list this year? A new winter jumper, a hot new guy or just time with your loved ones? I'm getting very soppy due to the time of the year but I'm sure in the New Year I will be back to my usual bitchy self.

Make sure you follow me on twitter @yorksanonymous and comment on the blog...I love the feedback.

Till next time.....