Wednesday 12 February 2014

Too long, Too many guys

First let me start this new post with an apology, it's been far too long since my last post and way too much has happened for me to even remember to tell you all about but I am going to try. Although, let's start with a little note to say I hope everyone had a great Christmas...I know it seems like ages ago now but it was before then that I last wrote a blog!!

So, whilst I've been away I have been having quite a few dates. As I mentioned last time we had Yorkie Guy, now after the first date where we met for coffee I wasn't too sure. I don't usually go for ginger guys (no offence to my ginger haired readers), they are just not my usual type but I decided to give him another go. Date number two was another coffee on his lunch break..I had started to like him more and more and decided to go on another date. Let me stop it here though, what do you do when a guy "mistakenly" texts you a message meant for his ex boyfriend?? This was rather awkward and, you may thing stupidly, I decided to let it go and continue onto our third date. This time we went out for a meal and was rather romantic and by this time I was practically falling in love. Maybe he could tell, after the date once we had agreed our next opportunity to meet up he then texts me a few days later saying that he wanted to end things as he wasn't over his ex yet? Code for he was fucking his ex still...what an arse!! Why do I always attract the knob heads of York!!

Back to Grindr I go.. the New Year a rather cute new guy comes along, he is from Scarborough and I always said that I would avoid doing long distance but he offered to take me to the cinema and the draw of Zac Efron's abs is hard to resist (That Awkward Moment, watch it!!). I wasn't expecting much but he kinda impressed me, he was kind, a gentleman and not an arsehole!! And he is a great kisser, perking me up from my funk!! After a few more dates though I suggest going for Afternoon tea (one of my fave things to do, hint hint). Before I go further I must say in his defence that he had only had two hours sleep since his night shift. On the date he seemed rather tired but to overcome this he became hyperactive and rather loud, and in a nice posh setting reciting the scripts of Shameless and Looking isn't the best thing to do. It was rather my own Awkward Moment and couldn't wait to get him out of there! After a few more drinks at another bar I decided to go home, he walked me back to my car and apologised for being weird and we shared a kiss so it's rather hard to stay angry at him...should I give him another chance?

By the way, if you haven't seen it yet you need to watch Looking on Sky Atlantic, it stars Jonathan Groff of 'Glee' fame and is the most adorable gay character since Justin in Queer as Folk. It really is my favourite show right now and, if you haven't already, should definitely be on your watch list!!

So that's just a little bit about my dating recently. Any feedback would be appreciated and advice you think I need on what to do with Scarborough guy?

Till next time...

Friday 13 December 2013

Foursome...too many people??

After a rather quiet November it has all started to get going again with my dating life....although it's like the classic bus situation where you waiting for 1 for ages and then 2 come along at the same time. In my case 4 guys have come along....I'm even starting to think it may be too many.

Now, I'm not sleeping with any of these guys, I'm simply chatting and arranging dates. However, to try to tell you about them all would be very confusing...and I think I'm going to have to create a new nickname for some of them. What does everyone think though? Should I just focus on the one guy, am I wrong to chatting to all these guys? After all, they all think I'm just chatting to them but I guess they could be chatting to other guys too!!

One of the guys I'm chatting to, I will call him Yorkie guy as he is based in York, is great...we have loads in common, lots to chat about and he has the sarcastic sense of humour which I love. I have arranged a date for this weekend with him for a coffee so expect an update to how that goes next week...maybe after the date if your lucky!!

Another of the guys is from near Harrogate, he is really cute and seems like a great guy but I think I may have scared him off by being a bit persistent asking for a date...think I'm going to let that one cool for a bit. May be for the best, not like I don't have anyone else to text.

So does anyone think they know who I am....I've already had Guy ( Right from the start of these blogs) figure me out but I am interested to know if anyone else can guess my identity? I figure that when I meet the perfect guy and start a serious relationship I will give this blog up and finally identify myself...but until then I guess I will keep up with York Anonymous and my ramblings....

Till next time....

By the way, if you think you may one of the guys then ask me on Twitter @yorksanonymous if anyone guesses right then I will say.

Friday 6 December 2013

What to do??

Just to start my blog I wanted to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela....such sad news to hear about such a great man and person that has made such a difference to the World. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends in this difficult period. However, at times like this I think it's great to celebrate his life and the changes he made. If you don't know much about him take a little time to research him, he fought all his life for what he believed in and to help everyone else...of his life he mentioned that he would want on his tombstone that he did what he could do to achieve the purpose he was put on this earth for. I really like this and makes me question what I am here for, what I should be doing? Do you know what your purpose is? I would not consider myself religious but I like the thought that there is something after death and how we are never truly gone. Although, what ever happens the legacy of Nelson Mandela will last forever and what he has brought to the world will be remembered. 

Now, I have not wrote this blog for a few weeks and the reason is because nothing exciting or blog worthy has inspiration was not there and I've been caught up with work. However, a recent revelation happened the other day which was rather awkward. Guy, the first bloke I wrote about it my first blog article, read the blog and put two and two together and came to the right conclusion. Resulting in a few tweets and angry texts..I can kinda understand it as I wasn't exactly kind or discreet lol!! However, after apologies where exchanged and we started chatting again I kind of realised I missed it...I missed him!! Now, there was definately problems in the relationship but I kind of want to see if we could make it work again. What do you think? Does the second time around ever work? With Christmas coming up I'm not sure if I just want a boyfriend for the winter or I actually want to be with him....I need help guys?

Christmas is coming up and I'm very excited....not just the actual day but having some time off and just catching up with friends and family. I feel a lot more mature recently and am just looking forward to spending time with my friends over christmas...the Christmas diet is definately not going to be kept to haha!!

So what's on your christmas list this year? A new winter jumper, a hot new guy or just time with your loved ones? I'm getting very soppy due to the time of the year but I'm sure in the New Year I will be back to my usual bitchy self.

Make sure you follow me on twitter @yorksanonymous and comment on the blog...I love the feedback.

Till next time.....

Saturday 23 November 2013

No Guys Left!

Well if it wasn't sad enough that Sam Callahan got voted off the X Factor last weekend...I have officially got no Guy's left to have drama/ blog discussions about. Maybe it is Karma out to get me...Guy No 1 who I had the best kiss of my life with (as discussed in my last blog) felt that he didn't know what he wanted and thinks we should just leave it. Now, I don't know what you think but that is kind of like the "It's not you, it's me" line, I don't believe it for a second and think that I am not good enough. I am usually the dumper so to have this role reversal is confusing and making me doubt everything I know...ok maybe a slight exaggeration but o well!!

What do you think? Is it me, was I a terrible kisser? All these questions and frustrations only my blog to vent them to.

This happened last night by the way so I decide not to mope about so I got up bright and early to go to the gym (hot sweaty guys always cheer me up) and am looking to the future. I lost 5 and a half pounds this week and will be the brand new me in no time. Just got to resist the temptation of chocolate over Christmas. Who am I kidding, that's not gonna happen!!

I am reading Attitude magazine whilst writing this and stumbled upon the 'Table for Two' segment. For those who don't know, it's where two random guys are set up on a blind date and then they rate each other after. This particular edition has a rather cute but camp 31 year old hairdresser called Luke, he is definately my type, if a little too old but they set him up with a rather plump looking guy who just doesn't look that appealing. What do they expect? Although it does raise the question as to whether I am being too picky? Maybe I should choose a different type of guy? What do you think? I guess I'm never gonna find that Ryan Gosling look a like who just so happens to fancy me....I can hope.

My friend is currently in Thailand, having the time of her life by the way, but she is back next month. I can't wait to see her so I can finally tell someone about the drama in my life...apart from you guys of course.

Now just to finished a picture of Ryan Gosling...because who doesn't love a shirtless picture of this guy?

Till next time...

Oh and btw follow me on Twitter @yorksanonymous

Thursday 14 November 2013

Great kisser!!!

Another post and so much to talk is never boring, I should definately have my own show lol

Well, let's start with Guy No 2, as I mentioned last time I had completely had enough of him, and felt slightly like punching him every time I saw him, therefore I felt it was time to let him down gently. I tried to do this through continuously saying I was busy, firstly he invited me to a fireworks party but said that I had plans to go to one with my sister, then he asked me to go round the night after for tea (he knew I had no plans as I had told him the week earlier, little tricker to get out of) but told him that I was feeling ill, then after he asked me again to meet up I finally had to come clean and tell him I thought it was best to stay friends!! Was this the easy way out? I kinda felt like I wanted to tell him the truth, to help him in the future perhaps, but I just decided to say I didn't think we were right and we should be friends. What do you think?? 

Next, Guy No 2, I am very excited!! Went on date number 3, he took me to an Italian restaurant just across the river called Piccalinos, it was a great meal with wine and chat and laughs, a perfect date,  it was raining when we got out and he held the umbrella he had brought up for us to shield me from the drizzle (I'm sold lol)!! We got back to my car and I offered him a lift home but he politely declined...then it came to the goodbye!! His bright blue eyes looked right into mine and then his perfect lips came towards mine, I obliged to his demands and went in for the kiss, it starts off slow but then he grabs my face and shows his passion, I feel something flutter inside me and know this is how it's meant to be and the best first kiss ever!! 

After our kiss I convince him to accept my offer of a lift so we can spend more time together and then when we get to his we have a goodnight kiss...perfect!! 

So this seems like it's going well but he hasn't really text me much this week, he is busy with work but I would have thought that he would want to text me more...what do you think? Should I be worried, was I a shit kisser? I am now trying to play it cool as we have arranged to meet this weekend but I really just want a text from him, i will keep on waiting in anticipation!!

This week I've been on a new diet and fitness regime, I need to look good for my new guy, I have a target of 14lbs in 6 weeks and want to look like this guy by Christmas....happy perving guys :)

Till next time....

Sunday 3 November 2013

The drama continues...

What a week it's been, sorry for the delay in sending this new blog, but as much as I would love to just do nothing else I have got a job to contend with!!

So to start with Guy No 1 hasn't really text me since last time, I haven't text him either. I guess it's kind of a who can wait the longest without texting game, I think I'm gonna lose as I really want to text him!! 

Although, I have had Guy No 2 to keep me occupied....where do I start. Now after out first date where he basically didn't take a breath throughout our date, I thought he deserved a second chance. I decided to invite him over (I only get the house to myself every so often)...big mistake!! Firstly, he comes dressed in a women's witches outfit, not reli into the whole cross dressing thing (not judging lol)!! Then, after he gets changed he pounces on the sofa, feet up (no socks BTW) and feels the need to regale me with the time he stole a apple pie in a shop and then also nicked a lightbulb because he couldn't afford it!! Maybe if he didn't pack his credit card with useless shit he didn't need he could have!! You can sense my anger, I just can't stand this guy anymore. Any desire to sleep with this guy quickly disintegrates and I slowly show him the door (after he gives me a goodbye treat, obviously lol)!! 

After this disaster I decide to text Guy NĂºmero 1, it can't get any worse right?? It all looks good so far and we have arranged a time to meet this week. I'm really looking forward to it.

As I write this, in Starbucks, waiting for my friend to bring me a gingerbread latte I hold out hope I might have a boyfriend for Christmas, but I am starting to realise that it ain't the most important thing, i would prefer to be alone than end up with a guy who drives me insane!! 

Btw how do I cancel plans to go to a fireworks party with Guy No 2 in a nice way?? 

Till next time...

Friday 25 October 2013

Living precariously!! Can I get any more serious!!

It has been a long and eventful week since my last blog which seems like ages ago.

As I mentioned last time I was dating two seperate guys, Guy No 1 and No 2 (I know my imaginative names astound you lol) and I had a date with Guy No 1 planned for the weekend. We met casually at the fountain in York, outside the Disney shop for those who don't know. Yet again, I had to decide where to go (this frustrates me), ending up at a local pub where No 1 ordered me a coffee, which was sweet as he didn't need to ask what I wanted (showed he'd been listening). The date flew as we chatted about our interests and got to know each other more, I start to think about what would happen if things went further with us, could I actually be in a relationship with him? After our coffee we decide to go for a little walk where things start to go weird, he tells me he needs to go looking round charity shops for his Halloween costume. Now not that there is anything wrong with this (although totally not my scene) I don't think this is something you do on a date, what do you think? I think he notices my disappointment and quickly decides to go for something to eat. The date ended well.....

The night to meet Guy No 2 came last night, I was really looking forward to this date as we had history, we knew each other and I really liked him at college. He texts me he is on his way, my insides twitter with excitement, I make sure my hair is perfect, smell like a posh boutique and have obviously flossed and breath minted (just in case haha). We meet and he is just as I remember but a lot hotter and more stubble!! We decide to go for some food after keeping the night pretty casual, a nice casual restaurant where we can chat and get to know each other, well that was the plan!! I don't know if he was nervous but he would not stop talking all night, even during mouth fulls (eew) and I don't think he asked me 1 question all night!! I like the guy he and he seems fun but I don't know if I can be with a guy who is more needy than myself!! After dropping him off though I really wanted to snog him, which must be a good sign, or maybe it was just so I could shut him up for a few seconds?

Since date number 1 we haven't really spoken that much, not texting since Tuesday so I kinda feel that may answer my question but what do you think? Do you think Guy No 2 was just nervous or should I ditch him? Who should I pick, or should I just continue until I have made my mind up, or my mind is made up for me? Help please, I just don't know if I can trust my self to make the right decision right now?

Ah....just got a text from Guy No 1 asking how I am, maybe its not over between us?

Till next time.......